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1h 55m Drama 1993

Directed and Written by:
Alison Maclean

This is a steamy film from the bubbling mud-pools of Rotorua to the ambiguous sexual tensions simmering beneath every relationship portrayed. Christina is a literary critic who is travelling with an American friend to interview a reclusive award winning author. The relationship between the pair is ambiguous.

Lane takes the wheel of the car and manages to crash, seriously injuring her friend while she walks away with little more than a scratch. Leaving Christina in the hospital, Lane continues on to the author, but meets his teenage daughter first and takes her out for a wild night after which she seduces the youngster.

When the author discovers his little girl in bed with Lane, he’s initially crushed, but it isn’t long before Lane moves into his bed.

The title, Crush, is apt. Everyone has a crush on Lane, and she is excellent at crushing anyone who doesn’t help her get what she wants. But what that is, we can’t be sure.


Marcia Gay Harden (Lane) , Donogh Rees (Christina) , Caitlin Bossley (Angela) , William Zappa (Colin)


Alison Maclean


Anne Kennedy


Bridget Ikin

Assoc. Producer

Trevor Haysom

Director of Photography

Dion Beebe

Production Designer

Meryl Cronin


John Gilbert

Costume Designer

Ngila Dickson




New Zealand


Hibiscus Films

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