Stars In her Eyes
Stars in Her Eyes, a romantic comedy set in Auckland’s Indian community, tells the story of Anousha, pushing thirty and longing for love. One day, Anousha spots Raj, an attractive Indian bank teller and decides to make him hers. Using the only tool at her disposal, the online Star column, which she writes, and some bad advice from her gay best friend and commitment-phobe Jay, Anousha engineers a date with Raj.
This feel good movie with its tongue in cheek homage to Bollywood takes you on a romp as Anousha tries to get it on with Raj whilst friend Jay finds himself falling head over heels in love with an unlikely partner.
Stars in Her Eyes was conceived by Auckland filmmaker, Athina Tsoulis, and provided the vehicle for a ‘real world’ learning opportunity for over a hundred Unitec students who worked alongside seasoned industry members in the production of the film.
Starring many new faces from the Indian community Stars in Her Eyes is inspired by Bollywood movies.
Leila Alexander (Anousha) , Colin Mathura-Jeffree (Sanj) , Vinnay Chinni (Raj) , Eli Matthewson (Jay) , Negin Allaverdi Gorji (Lakshmi) , Mohinder Anand (Dad)
Director of Photography
New Zealand