He kitenga kanohi, he hokinga mahara!
It is so great to watch some of the shorts and features on the website over the break.
I had forgotten how many of our film makers in this generation of films were once actors, directors, crew, producers and technicians in the industry. Love the Top 10 Kiwi classics! It’s no surprise that my pics are the Māori stories, mainly because I love watching the evolution of our Māori story tellers and their films - nōku te waimarie – I know many of them : )
Watching our shorts on NZ Film On Demand means the shorts are accessible to our whānau to see our film makers work. Watching some of the features too, reminds me of those who have gone since passed away and also those who are instrumental in keeping our NZ stories seen.
Love Cousins and Whetu Marama and Māori classics – Mauri and Ngāti
Te o Kahurangi’s Special Mentions
Ahi Kaa – Ngāti Rongomai kōrero, Ngāti Pikiao, Te Arawa.
Butterfly –Film by Renae Maihi – Te Arawa/ Ngāpuhi
Te Rua- Dalvanius, Wi Kuki Kaa, Matiu Mareikura, Peter Kaa, Whetu Fala, Toby Mills, Aunty Tilly Reedy, Vanessa Rare and many more.